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Huddle celebrate a successful internship with Salford University

28th September 2018

In light of me coming on board as a permanent addition to the Huddle team, we were invited along to an event set up by Santander and Salford University to celebrate this. It came out of being involved in Santander’s internship programme, which offers funding for businesses to take on Salford University students and graduates as fixed term interns. The programme’s main aim is to help students and graduates become more employable with a focus on getting them permanent full time jobs in the future. I, of all people, know internships are a great way to gain real life experience and skills that you wouldn’t get just through studying. We enjoyed chatting with other companies who were looking to get involved in the scheme and hearing more about how it benefits both interns and companies alike. Even better, as the event was held in Salford Museum, we couldn’t resist looking around the Victorian Street! This exhibition is set during world war one, with an eerie and realistic atmosphere, if you’re in the area it’s definitely worth a visit!

September 28, 2018
By Emily Triplett