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Working with us

Client Retention and Satisfaction

12th September 2018

One of the things we’re most proud of at Huddle is our focus on long term, quality client relationships.

Client Retention

Too many agencies are built around quick turnaround projects, getting something out the door, and moving onto the next deal. To us, that sounds dissatisfying, frustrating and frankly, exhausting. Sure, our way of doing things takes longer. We can’t snap our fingers and come up with a great website, successful marketing campaign and trusting client relationship just like that. These things take time and they need work. We’ve found one way of identifying clients where there is potential for this kind of relationship, and this is by looking at our company values. From our initial meetings with potential new clients, if we can glean that they would likely agree with some or all of our company values, we start to get the feeling that we’d be a good fit working together. Naturally in business, sometimes things don’t work out. On a couple of occasions we’ve had to part ways with clients, and these reasons more often than not come down to the client not fitting in well with our core values. In these situations, it’s best for both of us if we move on. Since Huddle was established in January 2015, we are proud that our client retention rate currently sits at 82%.

Client Satisfaction

Another way we measure success is by directly measuring our client’s satisfaction with a recent project or with our ongoing work. We do this by asking questions like “How well do you feel we understood your organisation’s requirements?” or “How well do you feel we communicated with you?” We then score up all of our questions and get an overall percentage satisfaction. We’re always aiming to get this client satisfaction figure up year on year, to continuously improve our service offering. Since Huddle began, we’ve seen a year-on-year increase in our client satisfaction scores! This is great, and one of our proudest achievements so far. At the end of 2018, we’ll be doing a “Year in Review” on our blog, where we’ll post the average client satisfaction rating from 2018.

September 12, 2018
By Tom Parson