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Exploring Remote Working at Deliver Conference 2020

16th March 2020

Deliver Conference is always an excellent opportunity to catch up on new developments, fresh ideas, and learn about how others are delivering digital projects. Focussed around project management, product delivery and process, the conference always features great talks from industry leaders such as BBC, Sky, BookingGo and more. This year, the conference looked a little different due to the current climate with the COVID-19 pandemic. Alcohol gel was present along with guidelines on how to prevent the spread of germs. One international speaker who couldn’t travel even presented remotely over Zoom. Obviously remote working and productivity was a huge topic. How to work effectively as a distributed team, what tools to use, top tips to avoid some of the negative repercussions. Overall the altered format worked great, the topics of the talks were timely and relevant, and we came away with key learnings, new ideas and new platforms which we are sure to take away with us into our work.

March 16, 2020
By Tom Parson